Neighbors come together many times a year to help build and beautify our community. Please join us on our next project!
Neighbors serving the neighborhood
SA Tree Challenge
The city provided the trees and we provided the labor to plant them in neighbors’ front yards. We have done this for many years, and some of the trees are now over 25 feet tall!
Funding: COSA and neighbors’ labor
Status: Continuous
Graffiti Cleanup
Neighbors have canvased the neighborhood several times in the past few years to clean graffiti from curbs, signs, fences, and other areas of the neighborhood. Please join us on our next project.
Litter cleanup
Neighbors have come together at least once per year to clean trash from neighborhood streets. Much of this blows into the neighborhood from along the Fredericksburg Road corridor, particularly from the bus stops. Join us next time we work to Keep Monticello Bello!
Alley Cleanup
Homeowners are responsible for keeping their alleys clean and clear of obstructions. Unfortunately, several alleys were at risk of closure by the city due to brush overgrowth and debris. That meant NO TRASH SERVICE in the alley! MPNA put together a service project and cleaned up several major alleys, keeping them open for service. Please join us the next time we do this!
Triangle Maintenance
The tiny triangle at North/Vollum/Fredricksburg needed some TLC and David Guerrero and Charlie O’Connors took it on. These gentlemen cleared the trash and brush and David donated an amazing sculpture as a focal point to this entrance to our neighborhood. Way to go guys!